Here is Hermana Knapp making supper. Note the SMALL fridge, the SMALL microwave, and the mini-clothes washer, as well as the SMALL Hermana! She says that she feels like she is playing "house".
Here Elder Knapp is enjoying the brand new KING size bed, in our very small bedroom. Notice the night stands are turned sideways or they would not fit in the room.
Here you see the latest in Argentine bathroom comfort, with square toilets, and the other thing which we will have to figure out. No, Darin, the people here do not have square fannies.
This is our Great Room, where we eat, study, and entertain guests (we haven't had any yet). We have been in here one week tomorrow, and have already changed the furniture around 3 times.
Here is our patio. You will notice the big gray corrugated metal wall. That is all that we can notice as well! It is the back side of a huge events center here in Buenos Aires. Last night the event was a rock concert that lasted all night and was still going at 6:00 this morning. It looks like we will be in for some amazing entertainment and not have to pay even one peso!
We have been out for two of the Visitor Center Events and they have been great! We have really enjoyed working with Paul and Ellen Garvin, from Iowa. They have been our trainers and will be flying home tomorrow. We have come to love and depend on them so much. If this is the last you hear from us, they weren't very good trainers, but they sure are awesome people.
We report to the Area Office which is 9 blocks from our apartment at 8:15 each morning and are finished at 4:30 in the afternoon. There are 10 other couple missionaries that are serving in Area Leadership positions as full-time missionaries. None of the other Hermanas speak Spanish and neither do some of the Elders. We have an office on the top floor, which is 43 steps up and 43 down again. We are going up and down all day, because we are the only office up there. It is all twisty and confusing and if we don't get lost on the way to work, that is lucky, but if we don't get lost finding our office, that is a miracle!
For those of you who knew Grandpa Call, that is Paul Garvin! From the nose, to the twinkle in his eye, to the OCD--I feel like I have spent a week with Grandpa!
We have been trying to learn our way around on the broken up tiled streets with big trees growing out of them. We have found our way to a Carrefour which is a very SMALL version of a Maverick with no gas. It is about 20 feet long and 10 feet wide. The selection there is very limited. We have found a bakery, but the best find of all is the "Jumbo". It is the supermarket with most everything you could want. We buy most things there, but we buy bananas and oranges from a little lady who sells them on the street.
The charger on our computer went out this week and we found a place called Compumundo to replace it. Thank goodness for universal chargers!
All in all the first week in Argentina has been a good one.
Working in the CVC program (Visitor Centers in the Chapels) has been very rewarding. Doug works with the Elders and I get to work with the Sister missionaries who actually lead the tours just like in the Visitors Centers that you all have been to. We set up a Christus figure in the chapel and then the sister missionaries who are in charge of the tour play the words of Christ just like you'd hear at any Center. From there the people go in to the cultural hall and we have 18 large posters that teach about different aspects of the gospel like Jesus Christ is the center of our religion, need for prophets, the restoration, the Book of Mormon, families and temples. After this they all go into the baptismal font room where two elders dressed in white explain about baptism. It is pretty impressive to see these young missionaries at work. The people are asked for references if they'd like and then the members who have set up booths about the various organizations take the people around to show them what we do in the church. And of course there are refreshments. Below you can see some examples of our work.