Sunday, November 17, 2013

Visitors from Salt Lake City

Mark Lusvardi, the director of Visitors Centers for the Church surprised us with a phone call and offered to take us to dinner and review our program. We picked him up at the Sheraton Hotel (pretty swanky place) in a Remis (private taxi).  He took us to La Estancia a very authentic Argentine restaurant. We had milanesas, empandas, and flan.  It was great food.  Mark listened to us and our concerns for the program and the direction we want it to go.  He was very encouraging and gave us the green light to change the name from CVC to Capilla Abierta (open chapel).  He was supportive on our expansion program to be able to take the program to an additional 12 missions.  That was great news!  He seemed pleased with what we are doing and encouraged us to keep it up.

                                                                     Mark Lusvardi

November was also the time for the yearly Area review.  Ulyses Soares, D. Todd Christofferson, and Jeffrey R. Holland brought their wives for a week in the area.  They presented a special devotional to us in the area office on Thursday, November 14.  We got to shake each of their hands.  Awesome! Later the senior sister missionaries had a special luncheon with their wives.  Sister Christofferson was at our table.  She seemed to be a little shy.  Sister Holland spoke to us for a few minutes and expressed her love.  She gave me a big hug!  For a gift we were all given a small flower arrangement which I have on our dining room table.  What special blessings we have to get to meet such great people.
Six General Authorities
Soares, Christofferson, Holland, Gonzalez, Zeballos, Vinas
Our table at the luncheon.  Sister Christofferson in Pink
We have had 4 open chapels already this month.  November 2 we were in the Villa Crespo Ward where we had been asked to film one of our open houses and get feedback from members and nonmembers for Salt Lake.  We had about 80 visitors and the filming went just fine.  Two bishops who spoke English were interviewed and gave their thumbs up to the program!
Last week we had an open chapel both Saturday night and Sunday night with a Sunday morning training  and a coordinating council meeting all on Sunday.  That was exhausting, but great.
Yesterday the Bishop's family from Guttierrez Ward, south of Buenos Aires, invited us to lunch before the open chapel.  He met us at the chapel and took us through winding dirt roads to their humble home where they had prepared us an authentic asado (Argentine barbecue).  They had grilled up some beef steak, pork ribs, chicken and sausage.  We also enjoyed the Argentine version of green salad--a plate with shredded carrots, shredded lettuce, and red cabbage.  You could mix them on your plate if you wanted to.  Strawberry torte finished off the meal.  It was delicious!  How blessed we are to get to know so many humble people and become a part of their lives for just a short time.

                                      Bishop Botto and his wife Gladys and their son Gustavo
The Army of Helaman
Senior Elders from the Area Office

These are our friends who work on our floor with us each day
Osmar, Alejandra, Julio and Pablo
November is hot down here so it's kind of hard to think about Thanksgiving being just a few days away.  While you are thinking of turkey and pumpkin pie, we try to stay in the shade and turn on the air conditioner.
Know that we love you and appreciate your prayers and support on our behalf.

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