Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cordoba and La Plata

Cordoba Argentina Temple

February 10, 2015 found us in Cordoba to train a new couple for the Capilla Abierta program.
The mission home where we did the training and the new temple to be dedicated in May share a common fence. After the training we took a tour around the block of the temple.  It is beautiful!

Elders Burton and Sousa met us at the airport and brought us to the mission home for the training with Elder and Sister Azcuy.  They are from Cordoba and will open up this program to the area just before the temple open house and dedication.  We were joined in our training (on the far right) by Pte. Alliaud and his wife of the Cordoba Mission.
What great people they all are.  We were treated so well.  We had a great trip.


 February 16-17 is Carnaval, a Catholic holiday where there is no sin.  Here you see us with the king of the carnival in front of the municipal building in La Plata, the capitol of the province of Buenos Aires.  He is not happy is he?  The other side has a happy face--who knows why!  There was to be a big parade later in the day.  But we had a train ride and a bus ride ahead of us to get home so we didn't stay around.

This is the famous cathedral of La Plata.  It was just finished in 1990.  It was started in the 1800s, but they ran out of money.  The government finally finished it for them.  There was a museum below the church that was quite interesting.  There are two towers-one called the Jesus Tower and the other the Mary Tower.  The Mary Tower has the bells that ring midday.  The other has an elevator up into the top of the tower (204 feet up).  We rode up to get a great view of the city below.
Our train ride took us through the Villa (slums) of Buenos Aires

The Natural Science and History Museum of La Plata was very interesting.  We saw dinosaurs, ancient canoes, all kinds of pottery, jewelry, mummies, handiwork, food items, artwork and paintings, artifacts of all kinds, weapons of war and lots of people visiting.  It was quite educational.  We thought of the people from the Book of Mormon.  When we saw the canoes we were grateful to travel as we do now.

 View of the Tower of Mary from the Tower of Jesus.  They built these two towers at the same time and hoped they would be the same height.  Amazingly enough they were within 1/2 inch when measured at their completion.  Look closely to see their guardian gargoyles!

Trips like this help us appreciate our own heritage and the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It also reminds us that there are good people of faith everywhere.

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